Bad news Shaggy mains, it looks like the online servers for MultiVersus will soon be no more. In a post to social media as well as a blog post on the official website, it’s been confirmed that the end of the game’s fifth season will also mark the end of MultiVersus updates in general.

Season 5 ends on May 30, 2025. In addition, players will no longer be able to buy Gleamium (in-game currency) starting today. Any Gleamium a player has can be spent on cosmetics between now and the end of season 5. Also, if you want to keep playing the game offline post May 30, you’ll need to update the game between February 4 (when the season starts), and May 30.

Once that final day hits, the game will be taken off digital storefronts, meaning you won’t be able to do Steven combos even if you wanted to.

While sudden, this news isn’t exactly surprising. MultiVersus was an incredibly popular game when it first released into open beta in July 2022. However, following this smash hit launch, the game was taken offline until May 28, 2024. This, arguably killed much of the momentum for the game, and left some who bought things with in-game currency feeling a little peeved. When MultiVersus returned, changes made to the gameplay didn’t go down especially well.

With the game hitting a peak of under 5,000 players in the last three months, it’s not a far stretch to say that the game has fallen below expectations at Warner Bros. Nonetheless, spare a thought for the developers who had no say in taking the game offline at its most popular point. These folks put out a solid game back in 2022 and were most likely crippled by decisions made out of their control.

Were you a fan of MultiVersus, tell us why below, and if you’re sad it’s going offline later this year.

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