#cbum #chrisbumstead #mrolympia #bodybuilding #fitness

This is the best back workout. Exclusive back workout by the goat himself, Chris Bumstead. 2 Weeks away from the biggest show in the world. Start with lat pulldowns, doing 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps. He completes 2 regular and 1 underhand grip sets, just to hit the latissimus muscles from different angles. Next is the T-bar rows, going for 3 sets for 10 to 12. Use heavy weight here, this is the main movement for back thickness. Then, he hits another rowing machine, now focusing mainly on the upper back. 3 sets until failure. After that, it’s the chest-supported row superset with rope pullovers, 1 set to failure, And as a finisher, C-Bum uses another superset to destroy the rear delts. 3 Sets of reverse flys and face pulls, until failure. This will make the pump ginormous, and the gains will be crazy.
