Chuggs Wallis has entered the Love Island: All Stars villa. If you found yourself wondering, “Who is this guy again?” we can’t blame you. After all, Chuggs only lasted for three days during his first Love Island stint.

Chuggs entered the Love Island: All Stars villa as a new bombshell alongside series nine’s Samie Eilish following the exit of Scott and Ron. While Chuggs may not have been a major part of the seventh season, his name may ring a bell. After all, you don’t really forget a name like Chuggs, do you?

Here’s the refresher on Chuggs you’ve been looking for.

Dave Benett

Who is Chuggs?

Chuggs Wallis is a 26-year-old from Surrey. And, no, is parents did not call him “Chuggs” — his legal name is Oliver Wallis. Chuggs is, apparently, a nickname derived from “cuddles” and “hugs.” Cute?

Chuggs owns a business selling customisable hats and sweatshirts called Booby Buckets, which he started during the pandemic after graduating from Oxford Brookes University.

He also plays rugby for Reeds Weybridge.

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What happened with Chuggs on Love Island?

Chuggs first stepped foot in the Love Island villa back in 2021. Sadly, his time in the villa was short-lives. He entered the villa on day four as a bombshell alongside Liam Reardon. The public voted for him to go on a date with Sharon, which led precisely nowhere. He then showed a little interest in Rachel, but in the recoupling on day six, she chose Brad and Chuggs was dumped from the villa. In other words, he didn’t have much of an opportunity last time around. Millie Grace Court and Chugg’s fellow bombshell, Liam Reardon, went on to win the series.

What has Chuggs been up to since Love Island?

It seems that Chuggs has kept in touch with his fellow Islanders even though his time in the villa was relatively brief. He recently even spent New Year’s Eve in Sydney, Australia with Chloe Burrows, Millie Grace Court and Liam Reardon.

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