Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 released yesterday, and it’s landed on Steam with a massive blast, soaring to the peak of the Top Sellers list in its first day. In terms of peak concurrent players, KCD2 reached a peak of 159,351. That’s pretty darn good for a historical RPG!

The game, a highly anticipated sequel to an ambitious Kingdom Come Deliverance from all the way back in 2018, seems to have surpassed original peaks hit by the first game in the series. That game, which didn’t do too shabby either by any means, hit a peak on Steam of 96,069. So we’re seeing some significant growth here, especially when you consider this is just Steam figures! The game is also out on console too.

Now there’s good reason for this. For one, the game is really good! In my review, I noted that it manages to pull off this brilliant balance between fun and the down-and-dirty work and struggle that stemmed from its roots in historical accuracy. On top of this, due to the word-of-mouth around the first game, a growing portion of players have been very excited to hop into the sequel. A good ol’ fashioned bit of growth in a series that’s improving over time.

Now, obviously, it’s unlikely this peak will be topped, except for this launch weekend maybe. A single player game is wonderful, but obviously once a player beats it, they’re usually done with the game, save for the ultra dedicated folks who go right back in again, or those filled with nostalgia in the future. Warhorse Studios and the developers working there will be undoubtedly pleased with this result.

Have you hopped into Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 yet? If so, what do you think? Let us know below!

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